Companies desire employees who are committedly invested in their work and responsibly perform their roles within the company’s ecosystem. In some cases, this is an organic process. However, in most cases, organizations need to engage employees to make them feel better at work, and encourage them to connect with their peers & managers. Employee engagement activities emerge as an ideal option to transform teams & individuals from good to great.
Here is why employee engagement activities are good for all organizations, small or big.
What is employee engagement?
Forbes defines employee engagement as an emotional commitment that an employee has to the organization and its goals. Engaged employees care about their work and the company’s growth. Employee engagement is a set of activities to boost employees’ spirits and ensure they are excited about their work.
Companies can organize various employee engagement activities, from Antakshari, treasure hunts, and potluck parties to sports competitions and excursions.
Benefits of employee engagement activities:
1. Enhanced profitability:
Employees who are engaged with the organization commit themselves to its growth. They put more energy into the tasks they are assigned. In addition, employee engagement activities create an enriching and stress-relieving environment in the workplace. This lowers turnover and burnout rates of the organization, saving enormous costs spent after hiring new employees. This leads to increased output and, ultimately, better profitability.
2. Improved productivity:
Unaddressed stress in the workplace leads to burnout and a dip in motivation. Employee engagement activities prevent employees from reaching a state of burnout. Engaged employees are conscious of their quality of performance. Therefore, they always strive to deliver their best. They align well with the team, their tasks and the company’s goals. All these improve productivity and help companies thrive.
3. Client Satisfaction:
Your employees are ambassadors of your organization. If they vouch for your organization, there is a higher chance that your customers or clients will trust you. Employee engagement is crucial for turning your employees into ambassadors. Also, such organizations get good recognition on platforms like Glassdoor and through word-of-mouth. So that the company gets a place on the list of dream workplaces. This is a positive marketing strategy and ultimately benefits companies in getting good business. In addition, customers can feel the positive environment of the workplace. Studies suggest employee engagement improves customer experiences, resulting in customer loyalty over time.
4. Work and product quality:
Employees who feel a positive connection with the company and their teammates perform better at work. Most employee activities require employees to form teams, brainstorm, coordinate and even break the ice with colleagues from different departments. All these are reflected in the quality of work and products as employees contribute happily and positively to the company’s growth.
5. Increases workplace safety:
Accidents on the worksite may trigger a chain of tragic consequences. It also puts the organization’s reputation and finances at stake. Studies suggest that engaged employees are keen whistle-blowers. As a result, companies that organize employee engagement face fewer accidents and incidents than other companies.
6. Lower attrition rate:
Employee engagement activities are stress-busters, and they make employees look forward to coming to the workplace. They bind the employees emotionally to the organization. Such activities have a positive impact on staff morale and productivity. As a result, they tend to stay with the organization longer.
Prima facie, it may look like the organization is wasting money on fun activities. But the lasting impact of such activities positively reflects in the company’s balance sheet.