We all follow other companies and even our competitors on social media. While it is essential for staying ahead of the competition, sometimes some posts leave us wondering- how does this company get great employees? They have been with the companies for so long. They have stood with the organization through thick and thin. Each one of us wishes to build a dream team. Unfortunately, for most of us, it is a far-fetched dream. Most organizations and entrepreneurs struggle with hiring employees that merge well with the organization’s ecosystem and align themselves with the company’s goal.
This does not mean that building a dream team is impossible. Here are some tips that will help you make correct recruitment decisions.
To-do list before recruitment:
Are you ready to hire employees? When recruiting new employees, ask yourself why you want to hire more people. Just because you hit a busy phase, chasing multiple deadlines does not mean you are ready to build a team. Inducting an employee into the organization’s ecosystem requires a lot of energy. It includes onboarding, training and day-to-day management. If you do not have time, postponing plans to hire more employees is better.
Business needs:
If you have just started your business journey, you should reflect on your past month’s balance sheet and calculate your profits. After that, consider what difference it will make to add one more person to the team. Also, consider what if you do not have sufficient work for the new joiner. Employees without adequate work feel dissatisfied with their jobs and spend their energies on relatively unproductive tasks.
We all like doing some tasks, while some we procrastinate due to unwillingness. So, before hiring someone, ask yourself, what tasks in your business do you enjoy doing? Which ones would you like someone else to do? So, hire for the roles you want to avoid playing in your business. It will help you trust the employee more and make them feel valued.
When you decide to hire someone, ask yourself, if you do not have to do that task, how much time will you be able to save per week? Can you put those hours to better use? If the answer is yes, look for an employee who loves to do that work for you.
How to recruit a perfect employee?
Right medium:
Hiring through the right medium is equally important. For example, if you are into art and craft, Instagram or Facebook can be useful for hiring your teammates. However, if you are looking for other roles, go for LinkedIn. Posting stories or job requirements on LinkedIn may get you responses from relevant candidates.
The first impression is the last impression. This could not fit better than the scenario when the employee comes to the office on the first day of joining. Their response will be the same if they sense the organization’s culture is lethargic and unorganized. So, organize yourself and your tasks before hiring someone.
If you are a start-up building a team from scratch, remember to build a diverse team. Several studies suggest that diversity boosts innovation and creates a positive environment in the workplace.
Always remember that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. So, if you do not hire employees for the right role, or if you do not have enough work for them, they will lose interest pretty soon. Therefore, recruit thoughtfully, trust completely and acknowledge abundantly. This is a simple secret to building a dream team.